ISEKI-Maschinen GmbH

Our machines for grounds maintenance in cities and municipalities

We have machines for municipal tasks such as green space maintenance, cleaning and clearing, landscape maintenance, maintenance of sports fields, leisure and park facilities, transport, winter maintenance and special requirements such as the use of autonomous mowing systems, lawn regeneration and insect-friendly mowing.

Professional mowing technology

Green space and landscape maintenance

The Ferris zero-turn mowers, the Canycom high grass mowers and the all-electric Raymo radio mower ensure perfect maintenance of municipal green spaces. With ISEKI mowing tractors, you are ideally equipped for year-round maintenance and upkeep tasks. By using special machines from our range, you can also master uneven surfaces, slopes and areas that are difficult to access. Our centrifugal spreader ensures an even distribution of lawn seed.

Combinations for every season

Cleaning and sanitising

We have numerous attachments in our range for tasks in this area, such as collection equipment, sweepers and collection containers, for example for leaves.

Foundations for top performance

Maintenance of sports grounds

Groundsmen, greenkeepers and sports field managers will find all the machines they need to maintain their facilities with us. Conserving resources is our top priority.
Our compact tractors can be combined with attachments such as artificial track and turf cleaners, which you will also find in our product range.

Zero-emission mobility solutions


With the use of emission-free electric utility vehicles from the GOUPIL brand, cities and municipalities can perform several transport tasks at the same time thanks to the flexible superstructures. Depending on the model, they can be used as refuse tippers for collecting waste, for transporting materials and for irrigation.

Clearing, sweeping and spreading

Winter service

We offer excellent quality attachments for winter service. Snow blades with overload protection and pendulum compensation, centrifugal spreaders, which optimally distribute the spreading material, and box spreaders can each be optimally combined with our municipal tractors.

Technology that protects

Special requirements for municipal site maintenance

In times of a shortage of skilled labour and the need to work efficiently, the switch to autonomous systems, for example for mowing large areas, is an obvious choice. Environmental protection and sustainability are also issues that are becoming increasingly important. We have solutions: For example, all-electric robotic mowers and mowing systems that protect against insects.

Sickle bar mowers
Sickle bar mowersto the Series
Collecting equipment
Collecting equipmentto the Series
Flail mower
Flail mower to the Series
Sweepersto the Series
Snow shields
Snow shieldsto the Series
Centrifugal spreader
Centrifugal spreaderto the Series
Box spreader
Box spreaderto the Series
Front loader
Front loaderto the Series